Rhus typhina – now that’s fall color!

Our Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) is putting on quite a show now that we’ve had cool nights and bright, sunny days. These plants get around twelve feet tall, and develop an interesting branch structure. They also have strange, fuzzy tapering knoblike flower heads in summer that give them a bold, architectural look. Staghorn sumac isContinue reading “Rhus typhina – now that’s fall color!”

Moved for a happier festival.

Cordyline Festival Grass isn’t really a grass. It’s more like an exotic agave, in fact. A happy plant has long, grassy leaves (hence the name) that are wonderful shades of glossy deep red and magenta. They don’t revert like some New Zealand flax varieties, so the color you get at the nursery is the colorContinue reading “Moved for a happier festival.”