Some thoughts on golf courses

I was at a seminar the other day at a golf course, and was looking at all the energy consuming, toxic lawn. The lawn could probably made less toxic by applying organic growing techniques, it could consume less water if alternate species were used, or if the water applied were captured for reuse. However, it would still need mowing in order to be playable, and right now mowers use gas that could really be put to better uses.

So, here are some ideas about mowing, just because this subject came up at lunch…

Have the golfers mow the course with push mowers in exchange for play credit.

Put a counter on the wheel of the course (tamper proof, of course), and give out free play, lessons, etc. according to distance mowed.

Tow reel type mowers behind golf carts

Golf carts are electric, so they pollute less than lawn mowers. So, find a way of having them tow a reel type mower. Might have to widen the wheels or something, though.

Goats or sheep

For the real Scottish look, let animals do the job. No grazing during play, since beaning a sheep is not nice.

Hire lots of people to push reel type mowers

Have a big line of people mow the course using only human energy

That’s all we could think of before our food arrived.

Published by mike

Mike is a licensed landscape architect. He's also an artist, photographer and occasional chef. Luciole Design specializes in sustainable, contemporary, modern landscape design - and traditional landscape styles that fit into California's Mediterranean climate. Sacramento, California.