New growth on the sedge plugs
Category Archives: Sustainable design
Sedge meadow expansion
recently planted sedge meadow
Rain garden update
The rain garden after a few months of growth
Wildflower patch update
Midwinter update on our test patch of wildflowers
A new rain garden
A new rain garden to capture runoff and slow runoff
Bugs in your garden? Let them live.
Let the bugs live!
A small patch of wildflowers
Our experience establishing a small wildflower patch
Some thoughts on golf courses
I was at a seminar the other day at a golf course, and was looking at all the energy consuming, toxic lawn. The lawn could probably made less toxic by applying organic growing techniques, it could consume less water if alternate species were used, or if the water applied were captured for reuse. However, itContinue reading “Some thoughts on golf courses”
Lawn substitutes
Recently, people have been looking into using alternate varieties of naturally low-growing, evergreen plants. Some are listed as low growing, since their leaves don’t grow very tall, but some of these get flowers that rise well above the leaves, requiring more maintenance. Most have to be planted as plugs (tiny plants) instead of sod orContinue reading “Lawn substitutes”