Australian garden by the sea, 2005.

A client moved from Sacramento to Oceano! Cause to rejoice! Sandy soil in a coastal zone! This means suddenly Mike could go back to his Santa Cruz Arboretum roots and design with Australian and South African plants! Since this was also a hummingbird garden, it was a perfect fit: hummingbirds love many of these plants.

Garden in Oceano CA
Flowers, forms, color… and universal access

The plants: kangaroo paws, correa, leucospermum, melaleuca, red passion vine, sedges and others combine in a rich tapestry of color, form, texture and movement.

The hardscape, salt finish integral color concrete accented with swatches of multicolor slate, is flat. Easy to get around in a wheelchair, just in case. Seat walls run along a patio outside the house, allowing seating for guests while removing chairs that could hinder free wheelchair access.

The simple water feature is perfect for different bird species: the curved part is a hummingbird favorite, and the lower basin works for others who like to dip into the water when bathing.

The patios lead to a looping trail surrounded by various kinds of mostly Australian plants, often buzzing with hummingbirds. All in all, a nice place to hang out and relax.

Coming from Mediterranean climates, these plants require very little water, especially in this climate.

  • Looking around a neighborhood before starting a design gives a lot of great data on plant choices. A large mature protea neriifolia thrived near the end of the street.
  • Knowing climate and soil doesn’t hurt, either. Many Australian and most South African plants grown in California grow near the coast in their native habitats. Sandy soil, cooler temperatures and humidity: all things we lack in Sacramento.
  • Finding these plants means going to a specialist, probably two. Kangaroo paws came from an Australian specialist; the South African plants came via mail order from another specialist.
  • Using specialty plants like this means you’ll probably pay more for them, so the design needed to balance out the real exotics with more commonly available species.
  • Specialty proteas are better planted from smaller pots. They’ll be easier to establish, they’re less expensive so if they fail it’s not the end of the world.
  • Working far from home can work, provided you provide enough time on site for infrequent visits, know the area where your design is being installed and have clients willing to work remotely. The site is not far from Nipomo Dunes, a place we used to go quite frequently – and the climate is similar to Santa Cruz, including the soil.
Current situation

We have no idea what happened with this garden. It probably went through a refresh. It might have been replaced with lawn, since that’s what real estate agents do when a house goes up for sale.

We found out the house had been sold when the former owners drove through town years ago on the way to their new home in Oregon, had car trouble and called to ask if we knew a good mechanic. On a Sunday, when our mechanic is closed.

I think they mentioned moving into a condo, no garden.

Published by mike

Mike is a licensed landscape architect. He's also an artist, photographer and occasional chef. Luciole Design specializes in sustainable, contemporary, modern landscape design - and traditional landscape styles that fit into California's Mediterranean climate. Sacramento, California.