New Concepts for a sloping front yard

The current synthetic deck is disintegrating, there’s not enough space for a table, and some excitement in the landscape will be welcome. This solution removes a major stairway (there’s an alternate path), clears out tall vegetation near the house and terraces the slope to extend the patio area, adding a (very) contemporary shade structure, aContinue reading “New Concepts for a sloping front yard”

Easy living outdoor spaces… and a “bigger” yard

If you think a yard is too small, it might be due to a lack of organization more than tininess. Linking spaces, opening up views and being generous with patios give more useable space, all fit inside the formerly too-small garden. Some of these things might be a bit controversial: the front path isn’t theContinue reading “Easy living outdoor spaces… and a “bigger” yard”

A tale of two landscapes…

One client wanted a classic, contemporary look with minimal maintenance. The landscape should look good all year long, and color comes from foliage contrast, not flowers that have to be clipped after blooming. The other wanted a haven for birds, especially hummingbirds, something full of flowers and seeds, where seasonal maintenance was and accepted trade-offContinue reading “A tale of two landscapes…”

Where do big trees come from? Big trucks!

These large boxed trees originated in multiple wholesale nurseries, who mark their logos on the boxes the trees are shipped in. In this case, two logos and a lot of unmarked boxes. The shade cloth protects the trees from being whipped by the wind, and keeps them a bit cooler, too. Considering that trees don’tContinue reading “Where do big trees come from? Big trucks!”

We’re in Hearth and Home magazine’s Outdoor Rooms special issue!

The Outdoor Room, a special issue showcasing exactly what it says: outdoor rooms. More specifically, outdoor rooms with cooking centers and fire features, mostly. Our design had a challenge that was rather unique: we had to maintain access to the garage, and the owners had to be able to park a car behind the patio.Continue reading “We’re in Hearth and Home magazine’s Outdoor Rooms special issue!”

Design for time

Landscapes, unlike buildings, aren’t really complete until many years have passed. They go in the ground only as potential, the design something that will complete itself with time. The plants will grow, surfaces will acquire patinas, unexpected things might happen. These photos were shot around January of 1999. It’s now January 2016, seventeen years later.Continue reading “Design for time”