Bad irrigation

We see this a lot: all kinds of different heads stuck almost randomly on the same lateral line. I guess some people think that installing irrigation heads is just like plugging things into a socket. As long as the circuit breaker doesn’t blow, everything is good. Well, they’re not. Instead of something shutting everything off,Continue reading “Bad irrigation”

Finishing the sculpture garden

Our job as landscape architects isn’t just to place the sculpture: it’s also to make sure that it’s integrated into the overall design. Since this is a three dimensional piece, we’re thinking of putting a path around it for strolling. It will need to be placed on a concrete pedestal – a place to addContinue reading “Finishing the sculpture garden”

La Guerre aux mauvaises herbes!

L’ultimatum est lancé! Je suis en train de récupérer mes zones de transition entre plantes existantes et cheminement. Adieu veaux, vaches cochons… et mauvaises herbes! Au fur et à mesure de mes arrachages effrénés je tente de creuser afin de retirer le maximum de système racinaire. Ensuite, je recouvre le petit carré de terre soigneusementContinue reading “La Guerre aux mauvaises herbes!”