Transforming a cherry tree from landscape to furniture & art

Long ago, someone planted a tiny, spindly tree. It grew. A puppy chewed off much of the bark. The tree survived. It grew, and grew, and grew until it spread over the pool, the roof, the patio. Its trunk thickened until nobody could see the pool from the house. Sadly, it was time for theContinue reading “Transforming a cherry tree from landscape to furniture & art”

Gnome Rejuvenation

Has your gnome lost his color? Has the twinkle faded from his eyes, the rose from his cheeks? You can recolor him, better than he was. Cleaner, brighter, gnomier! All it takes is a small flat brush and a small round one. I used artist’s acrylics, deciding not to worry about the paint fading becauseContinue reading “Gnome Rejuvenation”