Dirty hands: demolition & fun with recycled concrete

Who says landscape architects never get their hands dirty? That they sit at their computers from the rising of the sun to its sinking in the West dreaming of landscapes, creating plans and never having, say, a pair of pants ruined by getting splashed with uncured concrete. Well, our showcase garden isn’t going to buildContinue reading “Dirty hands: demolition & fun with recycled concrete”

A native flax for the perennial border

We’re trying  out some new California native perennials, to see what kind of border we can create using primarily native plants. We’re mixing several species of penstemon, this flax, Blue-eyed grass, Red Buckwheat and coyote mint to see what happens. The funny thing about California natives is that most of these plants aren’t native hereContinue reading “A native flax for the perennial border”