Jumping, lynxes and crabs? Pouncing spiders!

Sacramento is a great place for spiders that hang out on flowers instead of messing around with webs. We have jumping spiders, lynx spiders and crab spiders. Jumping spiders are the most active and have large eyes for spotting prey. Lynx spiders and crab spiders lie in wait for their prey to come to them.Continue reading “Jumping, lynxes and crabs? Pouncing spiders!”

Swallowtail updates

July 10th: At least two of the eggs hatched (I can’t find the others). That was about four days as an egg, since it was laid on July 6th. No time to waste! July 20th: One caterpillar is dead, but others have molted from their black and white form into gleaming green and black beauties.Continue reading “Swallowtail updates”

Fun with invasive plants

Some invasive plants are just too fun to pass up. Perennial morning glories, running bamboo, gaura, Santa Barbara daisies… as long as they limit their invasiveness to the garden. Plants listed as invasive in natural areas – things like St. John’s wort and periwinkle – are invasive everywhere, so please don’t use them at all.Continue reading “Fun with invasive plants”

Why we need a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Trees

Power tools manipulated with no skill and uncontrollable urges to dominate nature are a dangerous combination. Its as though these foul, noisy, hacking tree-mutilating scum  never saw a tree, and cannot even imagine what a tree should look like. They apparently  cannot tolerate something that grows free under the sun, spreading its branches as itContinue reading “Why we need a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Trees”


Our first Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) arrived in the garden today. We’ve had Western Tiger Swallowtails flit through from time to time, but the Anise Swallowtail is here to start a family, not just pass by. This species feeds on plants in the carrot family, and is one of the reasons that we planted fennelContinue reading “Swallowtails!”

California Native Plant Society garden

  The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) hosted a fun, informal event in the native garden of the Historic City Cemetery in Sacramento (on Broadway). They’ve been working on this garden since 1997, so many of the plants are getting mature. Many dedicated volunteers work regularly to maintain the existing plants and add new ones.

Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis) update

Those feathery, delicate flowers floating over the feather reed grasses are now artistic, pencil-thin spikes that sway in the slightest breeze. The plants’ appearance is now a lot more architectural, but with a loss of lushness and spring softness. This is what the grasses looked like on June ninth, only two short weeks ago. TheContinue reading “Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis) update”

Fastest flowers in the West

Remember watching those nature movies when you were small? Where spring comes to someplace, and the flowers all open with time lapse photography? Well, this flower looks just like that, except that no time lapse photography is required. The sepals were moving so fast that they’re blurred once the first flower starts to open! ThisContinue reading “Fastest flowers in the West”

Native plants, native bees. Alien plants, alien bees

You might think that bees think like this: see nectar, drink nectar. Find pollen, collect pollen. Simple, but incorrect. It’s more like European bees have European tastes and native bees have native tastes. Our familiar honeybees originated in Europe. They generally like European flowers: thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, oregano, stone fruit and apple blossoms. YarrowContinue reading “Native plants, native bees. Alien plants, alien bees”