Herb garden on the way

After trying to grow tasty things like arugula, cilantro, dill and parsley in the ground, we decided that our snails and slugs are just too voracious. But apparently they don’t climb on benches to devour our plants – and putting the plants in pots gives them perfect drainage. Cilantro This is something we never seemContinue reading “Herb garden on the way”

Farewell, Steve.

Ever meet someone who really loves his job? Where the job is more vacation than vacations? Steve was that guy. Almost. You can’t dive for abalone building landscapes, after all. He passed away a couple of days ago, something nobody expected. He headed Park Place Landscapes, our go-to construction company. Everyone loved working with him,Continue reading “Farewell, Steve.”

Thinking of an outdoor pizza oven?

You have choices. Lots of them. The lower price gets you smaller oven. More money gets you something larger and probably more versatile. And a ton of money gets you something that’s probably too much unless you entertain hordes of people. All of them have a learning curve. The Ovens We have a small, wood-burningContinue reading “Thinking of an outdoor pizza oven?”